A companion to the abbey of Le Bec in the central Middle Ages (11th-13th centuries) | Publication collective |
Artillery in the era of the Crusades. Siege warfare and the development of trebuchet technology | Monographie |
A tale of three thirsty cities : the innovative water supply systems of Toledo, London and Paris in the second half of the sixteenth century | Monographie |
Booksellers and printers in provincial France, 1470–1600 | Monographie |
Brill's encyclopedia of the Middle Ages | Monographie |
Broadsheets : single-sheet publishing in the first age of print | Publication collective |
Corporate jurisdiction, academic heresy, and fraternal correction at the University of Paris, 1200-1400 | Monographie |
Documenting the early modern book world. Inventories and catalogues in manuscript and print | Publication collective |
Du théâtre au récit de soi dans le roman-mémoires du XVIIIe siècle | Monographie |
International exchange in the early modern book world | Publication collective |
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, écrivain polémique : querelles, disputes et controverses au siècle des Lumières | Monographie |
Material culture and queenship in 14th-century France : the testament of Blanche of Navarre (1331-1398) | Monographie |
Performances of peace : Utrecht 1713 | Publication collective |
The favor of friends. Intercession and aristocratic politics in carolingian and ottonian Europe | Monographie |
The French Revolution and historical materialism : selected essays | Monographie |
The politics of print during the French Wars of religion. Literature and history in an age of “Nothing said too soon” | Monographie |
The Sun King's Atlantic : drugs, demons and dyestuffs in the Atlantic World, 1640-1730 | Monographie |
Translating early modern science | Publication collective |